
Showing posts from November, 2021

WHEN LIFE BREAKS YOU - Powerful Motivational Speech (Part 1)

  I don't care how good you aren't telling how talented you are I don't care how much you work on yourself there are some times when things aren't going to go rights there are times when anything that can happen will happen life happens the unexpected the uncalled for the unintentional we've been damaged emotionally damaged spiritually It may be your business It may be your heart that Is broken today It may be the number In your bank account that Is screaming you are broke you can break physically you can break mentally you can break your heart you can break your spirit & all of those are goanna leave a mark but the mark that they leave can be the mark of victory or It can be the mark of defeat It Is staying with the breaking that produces the blessing that Is not what you go through that determines where you end up It's who you listen to because I think right now you are walking through a valley between two voices one Is wisdom one Is worry one Is gratitude...

KEEP FIGHTING - Motivational Speech Part 1

  If you've ever had a moment In your life that you have measured yourself & come up short If you've ever poured yourself Into an Individual a company a place or thing & didn’t get the results you expected then this one Is for you It's hard It's hard changing your life there are moments when you're going to doubt yourself It takes a lot of guts to get up you don't have nothing but lit In the corner of your pockets you already talk about living your dream & people laughing at you & they're doubting you It takes guts ladies & gentlemen no guts no glory but let me tell you I believe In revenge like frank Sinatra he said the best revenge Is massive success you have to remind yourself how badass you really are you take one second when your mind & your body are saying we're done we need to quit you got to remind yourself hang on a second I've overcome a hell of a lot more than this & I have the strength to persevere to move on t...

A+ Student Mindset - Motivation Speech Part 2

  Stay motivated stay positive and earn your respect have a winning attitude breathe compete make no excuses set goals and practice great habits and stay focused you want your future and you got to outwork everybody on that field and you got to outwork everybody In the room you got to learn how to perform under pressure you got to leave It all out on the field everybody want the future but everybody wants to be average they're goanna be times when you feel like you're losing your mind & you study for hours & you're goanna take an exam & you will not pass a student Is resilient a student, Is disciplined a student is committed or a student Is consistent even when they don't want to be because the cycle of depression needs to end with you the cycle of not enough needs to end with you the lack & the dysfunction & the anxiety & all of these things that your family & your father & your mother have gone through you have to keep a student mentali...

A+ Student Mindset - Motivation Speech Part 1

In the recipe of a student mentality there are key components & Ingredients number one you need to be disciplined the future Is very expensive & only those who are carries of discipline can Inherit the future, I need you to stay motivated. I don't care If you have to listen to me a thous & times. I need you to stay motivated & I need that motivation to mature Into discipline I need you to be self-aware so I need you to remember that you are always learning In life you are always learning & I need you to believe. In yourself I need you to see yourself capable lovable & unconditionally worthy of your future turn your pain Into progress I need you to see yourself see yourself what are the things that many students lack Is vision you got to see yourself before you get there you have to hear yourself telling yourself thanks. ...