A+ Student Mindset - Motivation Speech Part 1

In the recipe of a student mentality there are key components & Ingredients number one you need to be disciplined the future Is very expensive & only those who are carries of discipline can Inherit the future, I need you to stay motivated. I don't care If you have to listen to me a thous & times. I need you to stay motivated & I need that motivation to mature Into discipline I need you to be self-aware so I need you to remember that you are always learning In life you are always learning & I need you to believe. In yourself I need you to see yourself capable lovable & unconditionally worthy of your future turn your pain Into progress I need you to see yourself see yourself what are the things that many students lack Is vision you got to see yourself before you get there you have to hear yourself telling yourself thanks. I need you to open up your ears open up your ears because the you from the future Is telling you thanks thanks for not giving up when you wanted to give up thanks for not being depressed thanks for not allowing the brokenness to eat your progress thanks, thank you got this It's going to get hard sometimes, I'm telling you right now!!! It's not going to be easy but It's worth It maybe you're listening to me right now you want to lose weight or you try to pass the final exam or maybe there's just this feat that seemed as though It Is Impossible turn your pain Into progress turn your pain Into progress. I need you to be uncomfortable with average, I need you to be allergic to average & I need you to come to the end of yourself so many people are depending on you a student Is hard working, student is mentally tough have the ability to adapt have a character consistency demonstrate courage on the daily. 



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