How to Get More Traffic to Your Blog In 2022 (Part-1)

I'm going to show you exactly how to get more traffic to your blog and the content secret promotion. In fact, the strategies I'm about to share with you have helped grow my blog to 407,000 monthly visits & 150,000 email subscribers. I'm Aleena Sheikh, the place where marketers turn for higher rankings & more traffic. & if you want proven strategies that you can use to get more traffic to your blog, you'll love this blog. Keep Read and when I launched my blog a few years ago, I had no Idea what I was doing. So I read a bunch of articles & watched a bunch of videos on How to Grow a Blog. & pretty much everything I saw said the exact same thing. To publish high-quality content is the key to growing a blog on a consistent basis, so that's what I did. I published a new blog post every week for months, spoiler alert, it didn’t work then Flash forward to a few years later when I launched Backlink & I completely change things up. So Instead of publishing a bunch of content & hoping that they brought in traffic, I decided to publish a small number of epic posts & then promote the heck out of them, & it worked. Thanks mostly to the promotional strategies that I'm about to share with you in this blog post. My blog's traffic grew in record time.  Let's start things off with strategy number one without further ado, use guest post bonuses. Guest posting is a great way to get traffic & backlinks to your blog. There's only one problem that it’s hard to get people from your guest post to your website. In fact, one of the Industry study and found that the average guest post brings in only 50 visitors. 

So what's the solution? For Guest post bonuses, you don't just add a link to your site at the bottom of your guest post instead you offer up something that makes someone want to visit your website after they finish reading your post, for example Let I published this guest post on the Buffer blog. & yes, I had a traditional author bio link, but I also created a unique bonus just for readers of my buffer guest post. & that single guest post brought In 471 visitors in the first month, which is almost 10 times the traffic that you'd usually get from a guest post, which leads us to our second strategy, update & Improve old blog content. Last year, I started a huge new project for my blog & Update every single post that I ever published and now, it wasn't easy, but this project helped boost Backlink’s overall traffic by 25.71% compared to the previous year. On the surface, 25% more traffic might not sound like a lot, but that 25.71% Increase equals 410,322 more visitors every year, which is a lot. With that, let's dive into the steps. Frist 1st go to the last page of your blog feed, that's right, all the way back to your very first post. Then update & Improve that post. For example that I found this old post from my site was in desperate need of an update. It was so out of date that actually that a lot of the content didn’t even make sense anymore. 

So besides replacing that out of date Information, I decided to make the post actually better. Specifically, I replaced old visuals & Images, added new strategies, & all In all, made the post-straight-up better than the old version. Finally, I pushed the changes live & changed the last updated date In Word Press, which boosted the overall traffic to that page by 85.2%. Rinse & repeat this process for as many posts as you can. If that's one post, no problem, every little bit helps and If it’s 10, that's even better. In my case, I ended up improving about 40 different blog posts and It took a few months for these changes to roll out, but in the end it was worth it. Let's get right into strategy number three (3) , leave super helpful comments on other blogs. This is something what, I did a lot when I was first starting out.

For example, I'd leave comments that added to the discussion, or sometimes and i just leave supportive comments for bloggers that I wanted to build relationships with & this helped me get on other people's radar screens without being a pushy jerk face. Because let's face It, nobody likes a pushy jerk face (n). In fact, these comments directly led to Invites to write guest posts, & to go on other people's podcasts, which leads us to strategy number four, publish content with data. The Content with data is blowing up right now that's because content with data is a great way to help your blog stand out. For an example a few years ago, we published this massive search engine ranking factor study and overall that post led to thousands of shares on social media & lots of high-quality backlinks. The only problem was that study was super hard & expensive to pull off. There were servers, crawlers, data partners, blogs, problems, millions of data points, & lots more problems to contend with. & yeah, when I started, I knew that this type of Industry research was harder to pull off than a list post, but this was kind of insane. Click Here and Read More...


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