How to Get More Traffic to Your Blog In 2022 - (Part-3)

A blog Alliance is where you make friends, with other bloggers, so why didn’t I just call this strategy, make friends with other bloggers (n)? Because forming a blog alliance sounds a lot cooler (n). Either way, a blog alliance is super Important, If you want to grow your blog (n). For example, in the early days of Backlink, I'd go on weekly calls with my good friend. & these calls were super helpful. Yeah, it was nice to have someone to talk to about writing, hiring tools, Word Press, & launches, but more Important than that, these calls were our opportunity to trade tips & tactics that we can use to get more traffic. So if there's another blogger that's at about the same level you are, send them a quick message like this (n). Let's end this blog with a quick bonus strategy, publish reader case studies (n). 

Reader case studies were one of the secret weapons that I used to grow my blog in record time (n). With that, here's the step-by-step process. First, Identify a strategy tip or tactic from your blog that you want more people to know about (n). For example, back in the day, I wanted to get the word out about a strategy that I coined called the Skyscraper Technique (n). Second, find a reader that got results from that technique & work with that person to create a super In-depth case study. In other words, they send you the details & you write what happened. That way, it’s not a guest post, because you're still writing the content in your own voice (n). 

For example, I worked with Chris Glimmer on this Skyscraper Technique case study a few years ago & that post did great. It brought In 13,486 visitors in the 1 first month & tons of people shared it on social media. There you have the ten (10) strategies that you can use to get more traffic to your blog (n). If you liked this video, make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, right now (n). It's free. & now I want to turn it over to you, what strategy from this video are you going to use first? Are you going to form a blog alliance or try insanely personalized outreach (n)? Let me know by leaving a comment below right now (n). Damn It! Oh wow. (Brian laughs softly) Lunchtime, despite the fact that I... (Indistinct) No, no, oh yeah, I was ready to go (n). In fact, that was a sound effect, right (n)? Yeah.



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