How to find Inner Peace & Happiness - (Part-1)
I'm very thankful to see you today you're like a mentor for me like a teacher a virtual teacher but yeah for a very long time I follow you on YouTube so good to know that what do you do & you're based out of I'm In Paris right now & uh I'm doing a cultural mediation In master do you understand Hindi & are you fluent & speaking In Hindi I can speak Hindi a little torch Hindi so let's talk In English that's okay yeah please tell me what kind of questions do you have or Is there something that you want to discuss I have I have two questions but I think that the two questions are connected uh my question Is uh the First one (1st) Is about the sometimes (n) we feel an emptiness In our In In ourselves & um we try to do things like for me I must do things to feel that emptiness & sometimes uh I when I don't do anything I have this emptiness It doesn't get filled so every time there's this how to fill this void It's an excellent question actually because most of the people don't even comprehend that they're empty within & they have some kind of void within you are able to see that & feel that so that's like a big thing the problem Is that we are disconnected from the entire universe from people around us we feel lonely (n) we feel Isolated but usually people (n) avoid It avoid talking about It avoid looking at It & there are a lot of escapes which are there In today's world as Is this Internet & so much content everywhere so they just keep themselves engaged or busy In something or the other that could be work that could be content (n) that could be things no matter where people are living (n) whether you are In Paris or In India or any part of the globe people are trying to fill themselves up In different ways yes but nobody Is successful It's like a pit without the bottom that something Is falling but It's falling endlessly
whatever you put In that pit It's still empty that's the harsh reality of life so now comes the question Is there a way to get out of It yes there Is a way the only way Is love & compassion to feel some kind of a connection with others that could be people animals & this entire universe to feel one with the whole deep within If that happens then that void disappears because In reality there Is no void within the center point of that void Is this separate self Is It Is It clear like am I making some sense to you or like yes because I've seen for your videos & I can understand like I can
connect with what you're saying so yes It's becoming clearer right now this question Is very Important for me because sometimes I'm very pressurized & I want to know like yeah so now you need to go to the root of this suffering you need to ask yourself this question again & again why am I suffering because not only you every human being Is suffering no matter how much they have no matter what they have achieved but deep within everybody Is suffering they can run away from It for some time they can keep themselves busy keep themselves occupied but still that emptiness that void Is still there It's always there It's kind of looking at them all the time but we don't look at It we don't address It so the way out Is to ask this question why am I suffering what Is the root of suffering because the root of your suffering (n) Is you It's not out there It's not the world It's you so now what Is this me who Is suffering...To be Continued
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