Who is the Real Mother

who Is the real mother this happened somewhere In India long ago a young mother had to travel with her baby son to a distant village for that she needed to cross a beautiful forest the mother was happy for her baby (n) seemed to delight In hearing the birds sing he laughed as he tried to play with the (n) butterflies that fluttered around him & he seemed to love the fragrance of the flowers his mother gave him to hold the mother walked a long time until they came to a lake the water of the lake was a sparkling blue It looked so cool & refreshing that the mother decided to take a small dip leaving her baby on a tuft of soft grass on the bank she proceeded to take a small quick swim as the mother bathed she heard a sound do you mind my dear If I play with your child till you come out of the water (n) the mother saw another young woman looking fondly at her baby she smiled (n) of course you can play with him baby nice baby now that I am here you don't worry take your time & enjoy your back hearing her little one laugh & play the mother was pacified & she decided to swim just a few moments longer why can't I hear them my baby wait where are you take here wait the mother hurried out of the water & ran behind the woman when she got to her wait a minute where are you taking my child your child this Is my baby so now get away from here how dare you give me back my child thief baby snatcher kidnapper let go of my child a few tribal people who lived In the forests were passing by they heard the ruckus & got there what Is the matter help me help me please help me 

she Is taking my baby away please help me she Is lying the child Is mine she's trying to steal my baby from me please don't listen to her lies the people looked at each other confused they could not make out which of the two women was saying the truth & which of them was lying finally one of them stepped ahead there Is only one way to settle the matter we must take you to our chief why I am Telling You this baby Is mine all of you are baby thieves right none of us are thieves but It Is clear that one of you Is & that too In our forest so we cannot let any of you go till this matter Is settled now come with us the people took the women through the winding paths In the forest till they reached a curious cave they spoke to the guards (n) In a curious language (n) they entered a dark cave they could see nothing until suddenly as though appearing through the darkness like a ghost they saw the chief standing there before them her pinochle collie King Balk our bond okay which of you Is the mother now In the world of the jungle might Is right the baby Is here one of you will hold the baby's head & the other will hold the baby's legs & both of you will pull let us see which of you Is mightier both the ladies kneeled next to the child the baby looked at the real mother & smiled he reached out to her & curled his little h& around her finger the mother cried & gently stroked her child suddenly there were the sounds of drums let the contest begin as soon as the witch heard this she pulled the baby's legs really hard while the real mother was (n) only looking fondly at her son when his legs were pulled (n) the child started crying the real mother was horrified stop 

I give up I don't want to be a part of this contest please stop I one-by-one the child Is mine return the child to his real mother no you didn’t you only revealed that you are the thief & that she Is the real mother you are being unfair you had said that In the jungle mites Is right & I pulled the child towards me yes I did stay might Is right but I meant the mite of motherhood she was willing to give up her child just to ensure (n) no pain was caused to him only the real mother could have sacrificed like this (n) here Is your child my lady thank you thank you so much I know who you are If I ever see you In our forest again fine Raj mine someday I will be able to get the better of you someday whether or not though which ever returns to the forest we do not know but It Is clear that even If she did she would never be able to win against the might of the genuine unconditional love (n) of a mother


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