WordPress Web Development Course - Part 2


How to create a post in WordPress? 

  1. Open WordPress on browser/chrome.
  2. log in to your WordPress with the help of your email and password.
  3. On the right side there is a "Post" option, click it. Then, click on the "Add New" option.
  4. Then write your Title and then write your content in the post.
  5. Then click on the "Publish" button.
  6. Now, your "Post" is published.
  7. To see your post, then again click on the "Post" option and view your post. 
How to install and add Themes on WordPress?
  1. Open WordPress on browser/chrome.
  2. On the right side there is an "Appearance" option, click it. Then, click on the "Themes" option.
  3. Click on " Add New Theme" to add a theme.
  4. This is your own choice to select a theme. I will go to the "search" option and write the "Astra" theme. And press enter. 
  5. This theme will be installing, wait for a minute. After, the theme is installed, click on the "Activate" button on that theme. 
  6. Now, visit your site, and click on "Visit Site", and your theme will be displayed.

Visit this Site for WordPress: Best WordPress


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